

For application for company registration is important, but there are many details in the process of registration, is there a way at the time of application for company?Save a lot of trouble, bookkeeping agency company jinan below take you to register what way to understand the application co., LTD.
The applicant in addition to apply directly to the enterprise registration place, can also be by mail, fax, electronic data exchange and electronic mail and other non fixed form is put forward.
The applicant in a fixed form submitted by the application for administrative license shall use the format of the text of the Beijing municipal administration for industry and commerce to provide the text of the application form.
Applicants with a fixed form submit an application for administrative license, shall submit the materials at the same time, provided by the applicant or the applicant in accordance with the entrusted agent detailed contact phone number, address, email, entrust files, etc.
The applicant by mail to the administrative department for industry and commerce administrative licensing for the administrative licensing applications, should be a relevant application documents, the certificate of the original, signed application documents, stamp should be true and effective.
Applicant must be in accordance with the process, to avoid trouble in future, the above is the jinan bookkeeping agency company for you to share application co., LTD., registered what way, hoping to bring help to you!