

Jinan bookkeeping agency company today to bring the financial goals to prioritize, hopes to be helpful for our study and work.
理财是一项技巧性极高且循序渐进的工作,一次投入“被动理财”、买了产品“放任不管” 是远远不够的,家庭财务管理需要适时根据市场变化,做出灵活的资产配置调整。
Money is a very high technical and step-by-step work, an input "passive finance", bought a product "alone" is not enough, the family financial management need timely according to the market changes, make flexible asset allocation adjustment.
拥有多个理财目标是件好事,对自己是一种鞭策,可以让自己有积极向上的动力。但济南代理记账公司需要提醒的是,理财目标要分清主次,在人生的不同阶段,合理设定理财目标,因为理财的目的是让我们生活质量更高更好,而非如释 重负。
Have multiple financial goals is a good thing, is a spur to oneself, can let oneself have a positive momentum.But what need reminds is, jinan bookkeeping agency company financial goals to distinguish between primary and secondary, in the different stages of life, reasonable setting financial goals, because the money is for the purpose of the higher quality and better our life, rather than the relief.
So, family financial management should from what place finance review?
第一,检视家庭紧急备用金(Examine the family emergency reserve fund)
从家庭财务的流动性、安全性、收益性角度出发,保持一个家庭正常运转,首先要考虑日常开 销以及突发紧 急情况后不时之需的现金流。该额度不宜过高,过高则占用了资金成本,减少理财收入,一般为家庭平均月支出的 3~6倍。
From the perspective of family financial liquidity, safety and profitability, maintain a family functioning, the first thing to consider daily open pin and emergency cash flow tight urgent situation after a rainy day.The quota is unfavorable and exorbitant, too high, take up the cost of capital, reduce financial income, for the average family 3 ~ 6 times the average monthly spending.
第二,了解家庭风险敞口(Understand the family exposure)
考虑家庭特殊状况或是最坏的状况下如何应对。人 生不过生老病死,对于大部分家庭来说,最大的困难应该是生病或者生故。那么一旦家庭主要收入来源者出现变故,整个家庭就面临非常大的经济压力,收入减少,支出 增加,生病却没钱治、房贷没还完、孩子嗷嗷待哺、父母 养老没着落等问题就会凸显。
Consider the special family situation, or how to deal with the worst situations.people Raw physical, however, for most families, the biggest difficulty should be sick or so.So once the main source of income, family misfortune, the whole family is very big economic pressure, less income, spending, sick but have no money for mortgages didn't also the problem such as pension, children to feed, parents didn't landing will highlight.
因此,要做好家庭保险。合理的保费支出占工作收入的比率区间为5%~15%,收入越高,保费越高。根据这 个原则,不同人群要制定相应的保障措施。例如年轻的打拼一族首先考虑定期寿险,然后是医疗重疾,再后是意外 险、养老保险。定期寿险保额计算要涵盖房贷+妻儿生活 费用+父母养老费用+丧葬费用等。
Therefore, to make home insurance.Work reasonable premium accounts for income ratio range of 5% ~ 15%, the higher the income, the higher the premium.According to this principle, different people to formulate the corresponding safeguard measures.For example played young gens first consider term life insurance, and then the medical disease, then the was accidental insurance, endowment insurance.Term life insurance premiums are calculated to cover mortgage endowment cost + + + cost of living of his wife and children parents funeral expenses, etc.
第三,充分认识自己的理财风险承受能力(Fully understand your financial risk tolerance)
Money is a threshold is very low but requires persistence of lifelong career, fully know themselves is the key to financial management, only by understanding their risk tolerance, choose the appropriate financial management tools and stick to it, can not be holding stocks rise everyday, oneself still shell-shocked, hovering.
收入、资金用途、资产状况等不同,家庭的风险承受能力也相应不同,对应的理财方案也要有所不同。如果是 一般工薪阶层,投资经验较少且没有富足的时间,全部资产都投入股市,在本次股市持续受益后,建议把部分股本赎回,转作较低风险的投资,剩余的资金在家庭可承受范 围内,结合自己喜好留存股市。
Income and capital USES, assets status, family risk tolerance also different accordingly, the corresponding financial plans should also be different.If is generally working-class, investment experience and no less abundance of time, all assets into the stock market, after the stock market continues to benefit from advice, redeem part of equity transfer for low risk investments, the rest of the money in the family can withstand around, with his be fond of holding stocks.
To borrow money to fry, fry house money is a kind of risky behavior, bookkeeping agency company jinan remind carefully considered.Money given to us is to have a relaxed state of mind, positive face life every day.
第四,检视理财预期是否合理(Examine the financial forecast is reasonable)
理财目标是按照每个人的人生规划目标而设计定制的, 因此目标是否清晰明确,风险是否合理可控,是非常关键的。理财目标一定要明确,要有期限,是可以用货币量化且可 达成的。例如孩子教育金、婚嫁金、旅游经费、购房首付、购车款等,按照目标轻重缓急,优先计算出可投资的金额以及实现目标的金额后,做到心里有数,给自己一个合理的空间去努力。 拥有多个理财目标是件好事,对自己是一种鞭策,可以让自己有积极向上的动力。但济南代理记账公司需要提醒的是,理财目标要分 清主次,在人生的不同阶段,合理设定理财目标,因为理财的目的是让我们生活质量更高更好,而非如释重负。
Financial management goal is designed according to each person's life planning target of custom, so the target is clear and reasonable controllable risk, is critical.Financial goals must be clear, want to have a time limit, is can use quantitative and achievable.Such as children education foundation, marriage gold, travel expenses, payments, financing, etc., according to the goal priorities, first calculate the amount of investment can and amount of goals, do know, give yourself a reasonable space to work on.Have multiple financial goals is a good thing, is a spur to oneself, can let oneself have a positive momentum.But what need reminds is, jinan bookkeeping agency company financial goals to points clear, primary and secondary in the different stages of life, reasonable setting financial goals, because the money is for the purpose of the higher quality and better our life, rather than the relief.