Jinan financial consulting company register capital change how to deal with?
公司注册资本的改变挂号,包含添加注册资本改变挂号和削减注册资本改变挂号两种情况。 公司添加注册资本的,应当自股款缴足之日起30内请求改变挂号。济南财务咨询公司
Change registration of the company's registered capital, including adding registered capital change registration and cut registration capital registered two cases. Add of the registered capital of the company, shall be the date of paying in full within 30 request change to register. Jinan financial consulting company
Cut of the registered capital of the company, the registered capital shall cut choice may choice for 90 days from the date of the request changes registered, and should notice in the newspaper for 3 times.
Change of the registered capital of the company's request to register, should submit the following documents to the company registration authority:
(一) 公司指定或托付处理公司改变挂号的指定或托付文件;
(a) company designated or entrusted processing company changes the registered or entrusting the specified file;
(二) 公司按照《公司法》作出的改变注册资本的抉择或抉择;
(2) of the company in accordance with the company law made by the change of the registered capital of the choice or decision;
(三) 公司法定代表人签署的《公司改变挂号请求书》;济南代理记账哪家好
(3) the company's legal representative signed by the company register change request; Jinan bookkeeping agency which is good
(四) 具有法定资历的验资组织出具的验资陈述。
(4) issued by the capital verification organization with legal qualifications verification statement.
Company if things, industrial property rights, land use rights, invest in the patent technology, add of the registered capital, besides should submit capital verification statement should also submit statements assets appraisal firm evaluation; Keep co., LTD. Add the registered capital, also part shall be submitted to the department authorized by the state council may the consent of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government documents; Co., LTD., in order to raise method to add the registered capital, also part approval documents shall be submitted to the state council securities management.
Of the registered capital of the company's request to cut, in addition to submit capital verification statement, also shall be submitted to the company three times in the newspaper published company cut the proof of the notice of the registered capital and debt repayment may clarify debt guarantees.
(五) 公司营业执照复印件;
(5) the company's business license copy;
(六) 修改后的公司章程或公司章程修正案;
(6) the revised the company's articles of association or the amendments to the articles of association of the company;
(七) 公司挂号机关请求提交的别的文件。
(7) with the company registration authority request submitted by other files.