Company law provisions on jinan bookkeeping agency company?
Based on our experiences all jinan bookkeeping agency company process you need to prepare the following matters:
1. The use of attachment transmission, delivery or other method to supply you and sponsor id photocopy, expounds the quota of the company registered capital and the whole the investor's investment quota, ready at least five (5) the company title in advance;
2. You need to choose to the nearest bank capital injection procedures;
3. You need to take id card to industrial and signature verification;
4.一切证件处理结束后您需挑选就近银行处理根本账户和交税账户; (根本帐户和交税帐户可以用同一帐户)济南代理记账公司
4. All documents you need to choose bank nearby after the processing processing basic account and taxes; (root account and pay taxes account can use the same account) jinan bookkeeping agency company
5. Other end all formalities by the relevant part.
公司注册流程依次为: 查名(断定公司姓名)→核准称号 → 开验资户→验资(完结公司注册资金验资手续)→请求营业执照→刻章(公章,私章,财政章)→请求组织机构代码证→请求税务登记证→处理根本帐户和交税账户
Company registration procedures in the order: check the name (concluded that company name) - approved title to open the capital account, the verification (end company registered capital verification procedures) to request a business license, seals, seal, ones, fiscal) request to request the organization code certificate, tax registration certificate to handle accounts and tax account at all