Jinan financial consulting company business scope?
(一) 终年代理事务
(a) at the age of agent affairs
1. 署理各个税种的交税申报,署理公司交税状况自查及清算各种税款事务;
1. Acting various tax tax declaration, acting company tax status check list and clearing all sorts of tax affairs;
2. 署理公司整体税务组织、出资项目税收评价,署理制作涉税文书。
2. The acting company's overall tax organization, investment project tax assessment, acting to make payment.
3. 树立公司交税计算系统用办税准则,为公司设计财务准则。
3. Set up the company tax calculation system in tax rules, designs for the company's financial criteria.
4. 帮忙公司进行股份制改及公司间吞并、收买工作,署理设计运营管理准则。
4. Help company stock change and annexation, buying work between the company, acting design operation management rules.
5. 为公司供给报表剖析,供给别的管理主张。
5. Supply the report to the company, to supply other management position.
6. 委托人请求的别的终年署理事务。
6. Other client requests at the age of acting.
(2) special acting transactions
1. 署理公司处理工商、税务挂号、改变及刊出手续;
1. The acting company dealing with industrial and commercial, tax registration, change and published procedures;
2. 署理减税免税、署理行政复议,协调与税务机关的联系;
2. Acting tax exemption, acting administrative reconsideration, coordinate the relationship with tax authorities;
3. 署理公司所得税汇算清缴审计,署理报批手续;
3. The acting company income tax liquidation auditing, acting approval procedures;
4. 署理公司财产损失鉴证,署理报批手续;
4. The acting company property loss authentication, the acting and approval procedures;
5. 署理或帮忙公司编制现金流量表;
5. Acting or help companies prepare a statement of cash flows;
6. 署理通常交税人确定;
6. Acting usually pay tax people determine;
7. 署理出口退税事务;
7. Acting export tax refund transaction;
8. 署理集团申报获取管理费;济南财务咨询公司
8. Acting group reporting for management fee; Jinan financial consulting company
9. 署理申报研制费;
9. Acting declaration development fee;
10. 委托人请求的别的署理事务。
10. The client requests the other acting transaction.
(3) as the age of tax and accounting staff
1. 供给平时财税常识咨询,包含电话咨询、上门咨询、网上咨询。
1. Supply the fiscal and taxation knowledge consultation at ordinary times, include telephone counseling, on-site consulting, online consulting.
2. 辅导或帮忙公司处理平时涉税事项;
2. The guidance or help companies deal with tax-related matters at ordinary times;
3. 帮忙或辅导公司进行财税常识训练,免费参与所统一组织的事务训练;
3. Help or guidance on the fiscal and taxation knowledge training, free to participate in the unified organization of business training;
4. 定时组织客户参与税务咨询列会;
4. Regularly organize customer will participate in tax consulting column;
5. 每月发放一期《税务咨询信息》,每年赠送《公司财税法规汇编》。
5. A month issued a "tax consulting information", every year the company finance and tax regulation.
6. 委托人请求的别的事务
6. The client requests the other transaction