What's the difference between part-time accounting and acting accounting firm?
Part-time accounting and acting accounting firm is two main methods of small and medium-sized company financial acting now. Jinan bookkeeping agency company
If find a good part-time accounting, is still good, but usually part-time accounting, will build your own acting accounting firm to behind. But now the mall so big, the company main usually don't understand finance again, in this case, please a part-time accounting is not as good as you are not familiar with the transaction ability of direct contact with professional acting company of charge to an account. Jinan bookkeeping agency company
Part-time accounting and acting accounting company mainly has the following advantages:
Top: a part-time accounting most just part-time, itself and professional. This cannot be guaranteed, can at any time can answer questions for the customer.
Second: only some of the full-time, part-time accounting are retired accountant. Actually many old accountant in our country are halfway decent, foundation is bad, and now the new accounting standards, tax laws often backpedaled, cause the pension accounting is not very comply with the enterprise needs.
Finally: part-time accounting does not help company for appreciation. Responsible for example buy-outs, U stick, all of these need to spend a lot of time, request the invoice, and so on, to do part-time accounting is not resistance.
Other, professional acting accounting firm itself is now very sophisticated, now is still very high in customer satisfaction. There is no kind of may make several internship students do zhang. Because once accounting has a question, the company is to counter.