A high quality of the financial statements?
Financial statements is to reflect the company's operating situation, the repayment ability, development vision, the main factors such as a high quality of financial statements for the company itself or in terms of stakeholders is crucial. So, how do you make of high quality financial statements? What are the tips? Jinan company registration agents
1 the three principles, impregnable
Cash flow for the company's vision evaluation and management of information is provided in the performance evaluation of the effect of the main financial statements, a good financial statements has three principles, impregnable.
, report to ping, this is the root. Uneven statements reflect the most common is profit table final undistributed profit and property table do not match the final undistributed profit, in making statements of time must pay attention to this.
Second, the report to have sex. Financial statements made intention is to reflect the company's earnings, blindly powder over, as the ostrich. Do flat although is very main, but in order to do flat and smooth, then the report distortion, so the report about the evaluation of the company's operating situation of much reference value.
Third, the report is not to finance people themselves, to simple and clear, easy to understand. Produce financial statements are usually appear to management, it needs report is easy to understand, too much jargon and not smooth hard word, don't you don't have to. Note as a report cover, especially should pay attention to this, more than 10% of main items in a good note for reports change, should be clarified, to change more than 30% of the major projects will be careful to clarify.
2 slices through the cobwebs of the cash flow statement
Of the cash flow statement to reflect the company profit, its status is obvious. Operating cash flow, investment activities cash flow and financing activities of cash flow are the three main factors, the cash flow statement from the company's net profit and operating activities the difference between the cash flow can be seen in the company's reality.
How to see the company's it? First, see a cash flow statement is not accurate, only need attach importance to two factors: investment activities cash flow and financing flow of cash flow, the two contact property of the table is very close, if the two right, so there would be no big net operational cash flow.
To make operational cash flow is not distortion, there are two requirements of project: pay the other received and other projects. The two is shine on a demon mirror, if have big Numbers, mostly to make up the difference between the rough crowded here, then the operational cash flow is sexual needs to be examined. Jinan company registration agents
3 the employee compensation those thing
The wages of a company is usually in a value, so, how to take the bait to calculate from a statements company uniform wages? Was very simple, only needs to pay in cash flow statement to employees and employees to pay for the cash amount divided by the number of the company.
Mentioned employee compensation have to mention one thing that is, it may also hidden a company's profit. Through the comparison analysis of the cash flow statement, if pay wages this year and last year didn't change much, so pay wages also should not have too big change. If abnormal, in May, the company annual withholding some elaborate employee compensation to hide the profit.
4 let digital storytelling
A good financial statements not only only is some cold, it is will tell a story, can reflect a lot of things from the Numbers.
For digital storytelling, first statement itself should have a logical, will all kinds of related digital permutation and combination, finally appear out and really have a concept of "new" Numbers, the finance people to request is very high.
Let digital storytelling, tell who? Don't tell management only, but to tell the spare. About stakeholders to understand the question, a good financial statements before they were asked to deal with more than half in doubt. Some popular dynamic about company in the near future is stakeholders in comparison pay attention to, in the report to the appropriate leak, because secretive can actually make the heart doubts.
A high quality of financial statements is not as long as adhere to three principles, but also in some "conduits gap" can do the cobwebs, airtight, and, of course, the most important is it to tell stories, guidelines for the management and the stakeholders have real effect and reference value.