Jinan bookkeeping agency company after the first thing to consider?
To be performed after the success of the new company registration, tax check and ratify. After company master or member that accountants and tax communication, requirements, can for approval for business tax, value-added tax. In tax, business tax is mainly for professional use of the service value added tax is mainly trade and production-oriented company used. Jinan bookkeeping agency company
Business tax according to the practical operating condition to determine, you usually entertaining operation of the business tax is higher.
VAT is divided into usually taxpayer and small-scale VAT taxpayer. Their tax amount is not the same, usually the taxpayers' amount to 17%, but can touch buckle. The amount of small-scale taxpayers is 3.5%, which can not be deductible.
So to understand their company's operating characteristics
关于增值税的状况每月25日至31日考证本月获得的增值税进项发票, 每月1日在本公司开票电脑中对上月所开出的增值税销项发票抄税,每月1日至8日为税务局抄税时段,持IC卡和清单到税务局抄税。 每月1-10日为税务局申报时段,在本公司申报电脑中对上月报表进行申报,持打印报表和软盘到税务局申报(抄税和申报可同时进行) 普通发票领购比较容易带财务、法人章和发票领购本,旧发票到税务局领购,增值税发票领购还要携带发票清单。 办理发票增量要提早到税务局申请。
Status 25 a month about the VAT solstice 31 research input VAT invoices for this month, a month 1 in the computers of the company make out an invoice for the last month of output VAT invoices, copy duty for each month 1 solstice 8 tax official copy duty time, the IC card and listing copy duty to revenue. For tax filing period each month 1-10, in the company to declare to declare the last month report form in a computer, print statements and floppy disks to revenue declaration (copy duty and tax return can simultaneously) commercial invoice receiving and purchasing easier with financial and legal representative seal and invoice receiving and purchasing, old invoice receiving and purchasing, to revenue VAT invoice receiving and purchasing also carries invoice listing. To handle the invoice ahead of time to revenue increment application.