What are the areas of jinan financial consulting company?
1, according to the client to provide original vouchers and other materials, in accordance with the provisions of the national standard of accounting business accounting, including review the original vouchers, filling in accounting vouchers, register accounting books and prepare financial and accounting reports, etc. Jinan financial consulting company
2 、对外提供财务会计报告。代理记账机构为委托人编制的财务会计报告,经代理记账机构负责人和委托人签名并盖章后,按照有关法律、行政法规和国家统一的会计制度的规定对外提供。
2, provide financial and accounting reports. Bookkeeping agency institutions for financial and accounting report compiled by the trustor, bookkeeping agency head and his signature and seal, in accordance with the relevant laws, administrative regulations and the uniform accounting system of the provisions of the state provides.
3, tax information provided to the tax authorities.
4, client entrust other accounting business