Q: to invest in stocks of the land use right, the invested enterprise engaged in the development of real estate, the land cost how to confirm?
答:根据《财政部 国家税务总局关于土地增值税若干问题的通知》(财税〔2006〕21号)文件的执行日期为界限,分两种情况确认土地成本:
Answer: according to the national tax administration of the ministry of finance, the several problems about land value-added tax notice (caishui [2006] no. 21) the execution date for line file, confirm the land cost in two different conditions:
(a) after the March 2, 2006, in the investment or joint link, affirm income has to invest in the land use right, and the investors in accordance with the provisions, land value-added tax, tax price as paid by enterprises obtain the land use right of which was deducted.
(2) before March 2, 2006, on the land for equity investment or affiliated to engage in real estate development, the invested enterprise, the land value-added tax liquidation shall be paid by investors to obtain the land use right of land cost and pay the relevant fees as stipulated in the national unity as its obtain the land use right which was deducted from the paid, investment or joint form of land use rights shall not be deducted at a premium.
Among them, in before March 2, 2006, though not the land alteration registration formalities, but the assignee has leading legal capital for investment and development, and has set up a land began to develop, in accordance with the above regulations.