How to do with taobao mall not invoice billing?
Taobao mall is the recent hot a thesis. Because a lot of taobao shop make it big specification operation, to extend hope to enter a promise to ensure that way, this is the taobao mall. But taobao mall financial accounting treatment is very let these habits in the tax-free business people originally very headache. Open mall is about to start a company, the company shall pay taxes in accordance with the law. So open the capital of the company and the company to bring new clients wealth will always be a paradox. Jinan company registration agents
Taobao mall is the largest and is the most headache tube accounting accounting treatment problem is:
All customers pay a fee to enter the taobao pay treasure, and then by taobao pay treasure will in its turn into the root of the company. But a lot of taobao mall replenish onr's stock is not invoice. So, even if you vote does not open, your profit is staggering! Income tax must be very scary.
Recently, jinan company registration agents also received a lot of taobao mall customers. Acting on these special billing customers, jinan company registration agents to design the suitable for his pipe, operation strategy.
1 taobao商城的客户,运营公司的税务风险常常来自于老板十分故意的进行税务逃避。因为有了诱惑,就有了违规,所以运营者在运营过程中不能过于的强调避税,而是应该在财政署理记账公司的建议下,合理合法的进行必定的税务逃避。
1 taobao mall customers, operating company of tax risk often comes from the boss very deliberately to tax escape. Because of the temptation, there will be a violation, so the operator cannot too emphasis on tax avoidance in the process of operation, but should in fiscal acting accounting firm's suggestion, the tax escape must be legitimate.
2, warning taobao mall customers, about the invoice the risk of not make account book. Because each business taobao mall is into its bank funky expenses, so their income is monitored by completely. Have invoice don't quote, corruption in tax point of view this is too simple, but once found amount arrived must number that is criminal.
3 教育taobao商城客户,留意公司运营本钱的规范化。因为taobao商城很多都是小公司运营,其日子和其公司运营完全都是混合一起。客户可以通过将其通讯,交通,等东西过户公司,而使得公司的账务能实在体现出其实践运营本钱。
3 education taobao mall customers, pay attention to the standardization of the company's operating capital. Because taobao mall, many are small operations, its days and its operations are completely mixed together. Customers can through the communication, transportation, things such as change the name of the company, and make the company's accounting can really reflect the operating capital.
4 建议taobao客户请求核定征收。因为taobao商城客户的收入很简单监控,而运营做法的发生确实十分频频,不简单正轨正确的进行记账,那么他们仍是对比有理由请求核定征收。这么就可以间接处理了taobao商城客户的一个难题,那就是很多的进货基本没有发票。
4 suggest that taobao customer request verification collection. Because taobao mall customer's income is very simple monitoring, and operation practices happen very frequently, indeed not easy on the right to charge to an account, then they have reason to request verification collection is still the contrast. So you can indirectly the taobao mall customer a problem, that is a lot of stock basic no invoice.
Taobao mall accounts for very commissions and rebates integral charge is can do, but not credit category can do, because you before is directly from the pay treasure to account, so I also can't do a cost,
Don't do together, and company account LiZhang alone, into the company account can hang up, the invoice can directly into the business income. No just continued to hang with the invoice. Doing the advance... Do bad debt disposition. In the future. Perhaps in suitable opportunity. Using the deposit payment. Perhaps what project. To account. A small company.