Bill get point affect income deduction?
Building A productive company and B company in January 2016, signed A construction project contract. Contract rules, to create A company B company factory building, according to the completed progress account for the payment. Building project starting time before May 1. Payment on May 1, 1 million yuan, tax invoice. On May 1st payment of 2 million yuan, to obtain special invoices for value-added tax. In this case, A company can obtain the special invoices for value-added tax deduction input? Jinan bookkeeping agency company
以为,尽管《财政部 国家税务总局关于全部推开营业税改征增值税试点的通知》(财税〔2016〕36号,以下简称36号文件)规则,5月1日后获得的不动产在建工程,进项税额能够分2年抵扣,但对“获得”时点的判别没有做出具体规则。随后发布的《不动产进项税额分期抵扣暂行办法》规则,5月1日后购进的修建效劳,用于新建不动产,其进项税额能够分2年抵扣,但相同未清晰规则“购进”时点。规则的含糊为交税人增值税处理带来危险与迷惑。
Thought, although the national tax administration of the ministry of finance, the change on all opened the business tax paid VAT pilot notice (caishui [2016] no. 36, hereinafter referred to as the document no. 36) rules, 1 May obtain real estate projects under construction in the future, the input tax can be in 2 years deduction, but to "get" point of discriminant didn't make specific rules. Then release the "interim measures for VAT on purchase of real estate in installment deduction" rules, 1 May purchase the building of the service in the future, for new real estate, the input tax deduction in 2 years, but there is no clear rules "buy" time is the same. The rules of the vague bring VAT tax people deal with danger and confusion.
According to the above example, if A basis on May 1 have inspection in engineering and construction engineering contract payment should be on May 1, is the only payment time delay to May 1st, the onset of B company is the tax A tax liability, it shall pay business tax and business tax invoice issued to A company. At the moment, A company B company violation issue special VAT invoices deduction income tax has certainly tax risk. If A company on the basis of construction project contract shall be in the May 1st payment, not attack business tax A tax liability for B company. Real estate projects under construction starting time before May 1, the building of the project contract to old contract. According to document no. 36, company B can choose according to the simple method for the pay VAT 3% or 11% of the value-added tax in accordance with the generally pay VAT tax method. At the moment, A company B company issue special VAT invoices to deduction, depends on whether accord with 36 files and "interim measures for VAT on purchase of real estate in installment deduction" of real estate projects under construction in the rules of "get" and "buy".
Productive companies build factories usually by the package method to the completion of construction engineering company. From engineering contract signed, real estate projects under construction inspection, until payment, often takes longer, through a series of key point. Such circumstances which one point node for real estate projects under construction time or help build purchase point to camp now notice did not give A clear answer, for point and purchase points clear, for judging whether A company against the input tax, how to pay the VAT is of great significance.
In the absence of clear rules, now advocates think A company use the special invoices for value-added tax rules of the certification period, 180 days A moratorium on the VAT certification, to reduce the input tax credit risk. Claims with relevant departments to further clear real estate projects under construction deduction point, cut ShuiQi dispute due to the different understanding of the tax law may happen in the future.